My name is Phong BH. Nguyen (I know, it’s hard to pronounce), a scientist, programmer and adventurer, with a taste for all things creative and artistic. This site serves as a single starting point for everyone to get to know me, things that make up who I am, professionally and personally.
I am a bioinformatician/ data scientist with a particular interest in health and medical informatics for non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. My research mainly focuses on developing machine learning frameworks to better understand diseases, discover biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis and assist clinical decision making. The ultimate goal is to make medicine more translational and benefit patients. You can get to know more about my backdround and experience in About me, Projects and Data visualization.
My daily work circles around understanding and utilizing data. I leverage different programming languages to write everything from data processing and engineering code to larger frameworks to streamline workflows for both research and clinical practice. In addition, I have a massive interest in data visualization, asthetical ways to make sense of data, discover new insights and showcase research findings. Get to know more about my work in Projects, Data visualization and Blog.
Besides work, I have an active lifestyle. At first it was pure peer pressure, but now I really enjoy doing sports like hiking, skiing, cycling, swimming, weightlifting and badminton (tell you I’m Asian without telling you I’m Asian). I also have a creative side, when I don’t go out I like to write cheesy poems, paint big ass paintings, cook risky recipes or just simply read and listen to music. I might write a bit about these stuffs here in the near future.
If you want to get in touch, just drop me a message in one of the social platforms in my contact info.